

Nov 06

Follow My Fitness: A Short & Sweet Burn for the Legs, Glutes, & Core ;)


This workout is harder than it may seem so be sure to be careful to perform all moves with proper form and slower rather than too fast (& sacrificing form).  On a side note I rarely time my strength training because I have found over the years that if I try to do things quicker or based on a time limit I end up doing less of a workout overall because I am not fully recovered so I do less reps or use less weight.  It is better for me to give myself the time I need to get in MY best workout.   I try to not go super slow because I do have other things to do lol but as a general rule if I need to break up a set (into 2 sets with a small break in the middle) or take longer breaks I do.  I want to be sure that I did my best and pushed myself as far as I could based on my actual strength not my timer.  That is just what works for me.  So here is the workout I did if you want to try it out and modify for yourself as needed 😉



10 minutes elliptical (medium/high resistance peddling backwards)

*Dumbbell deadlifts-4 sets of 8 using two 40 pound dumbbells (squeezing glutes really hard at top of movement)

*Close stance deep sit squats-4 sets of 8 reps holding two 30 pound dumbbells (stand with feet and knees together using a low step or edge of treadmill behind you SLOWLY sit down and back onto the step then rise back up to standing by pushing through heels-keep back straight and knees behind ankles)

*Walking lunges with a twist-4 sets of 20 slow and wide reps (10/leg) using one 20 pound dumbbell (twist outward towards the foot that is forward while in lunge position to engage core then push off of front foot through heel to continue next lunge-shown in picture above)

*Single leg deadlifts with one 20 pound dumbbell or kettlebell-4 sets of 8/leg (can be tricky to get this move down at first, perform slowly and squeeze glute on working leg hard at top of movement)

*Hip thrusts off of bench-4 sets of 12 reps using a 30 pound dumbbell or plate (shoulders on bench, pause and perform a hard glute squeeze at top of movement)

*Pendulum lunges-4 sets of 10/leg (this is a little something I like to call the burnout portion because it’s guaranteed to bring that burning feeling haha! To perform you simply do a reverse lunge directly into a forward lunge as fast as possible until set is complete, no weight is needed because if you used heavy enough weights earlier & really engaged the muscles you were working then your muscles will be super fired up and this will be hard despite the seemingly easiness of it!)

10 minutes 15% incline walking at end (I did 4 minutes at 3.5 then finished at 3.0 pace because my legs were screaming at me-yay!!)

Stretch well.



Enjoy!! 🙂


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