

Jan 09

Follow My Fitness: Total Body Workout using a Box, Step, or Bench



Here is a more intense workout that I promised using the Golds Gym plyometric jump box I posted about last week.  This is a great at home workout to use with that but you could definitely do this workout in a gym too.  Just be sure the step, bench, or box you are using can support you jumping onto it!!  This workout will hit your legs, shoulders, biceps, triceps, chest, back, and core all in a cardio fashion.  Prepare to sweat!!  You will also need dumbbells to do this workout exactly like I did.  This may seem easy but trust me it will be tiring.  My hubby tried this same exact workout (using heavier weight obviously) and he was seriously impressed with how tired he was after doing the 2 rounds.  If you want to make it harder then try using heavier weights or do more rounds.  Hope you like this!  If you give it a try be sure to comment on here and let me know what your thought!! 🙂


*50 step ups facing forward with no weights

Alternate which leg you use to step up with or do 25 on one leg then switch to complete other 25).  Each complete up and down is one rep.

*30 step ups facing forward.        

Hold two smaller dumbbells and perform biceps curls (simultaneously curl both arms) before each step up.  Once again alternate which leg you use to step up with and hold the dumbbells as you step this time.  It is easiest to keep the dumbbells at your sides as you step up as I show above.  (A total of 30 bicep curls should be performed fyi)

*30 side step ups

Once again hold dumbbells but this time perform an overhead press (simultaneously press both arms overhead holding weights) before stepping up and over the step to the other side. So for instance if you start from left side step up (holding both dumbbells still) with your right leg then bring left leg up on top of box to meet your right leg before stepping down onto the other side.  It is easiest to hold dumbbells at your shoulders when doing this (as shown in pic).  Then perform overhead press again and step up starting with left leg this time (total of 30 overhead presses should be performed)

*50 side step ups    

Same as above but without weights and overhead press.

*15 tricep dips off step

Place both arms on edge of box with legs straight out in front (on floor).  Scoot your butt off edge then drop your butt towards floor to bring your elbows to a 90 degree angle (see pic above).  Return to start then repeat to finish all reps.

*15 decline push ups  

Perform push ups but place feet on box and hands on floor (see pic above).

*15 incline push up.

Perform push ups with hands on box but feet on floor (as shown in pic).

*20 single leg hops

Hop onto box by jumping up from the side (I used a short running start).  Land on only one leg then step down off other side of box.  Repeat but alternate which leg you hop up onto until all reps are done.  Try to land softly on box when you land to protect your knees.  Sorry too difficult to get a picture of this action lol

*10 squat jumps onto step  

Squat then explode up landing on step.  Try to land as softly as possible and with your knees behind your toes to protect your knees.  Once again too hard to get pictures of this action sorry!

Repeat this full round 2 times if you want to do my exact workout. 

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