

Sep 02

Booty Lifter Exercise (with video demo)



This booty lifter exercise is a favorite of mine!  Many of the girls I have worked with will remember this fun exercise.  I like to use a more moderate or light weight and add this in towards the end of a workout to really “burn out” those glutes 🙂  I usually do 4 sets of 12-15 depending on how tired my butt already is lol!  Be very careful and try this move without weight first.  Add weight cautiously and make sure you are able to control the weight you add.  Your glutes and hamstrings (back of legs) are where you should be feeling this exercise working not your lower back.  If you have lower back problems then this move may flare that up so be cautious when doing this and please listen to your body.  This move will really help you get that nice booty pop that so many people want.  Make sure you are moving slower and controlled when performing this exercise.  Be sure to really SQUEEZE those glutes hard to bring the weight up (or just your legs up if you aren’t using weight).  It is easiest to have a partner or helper to put the weight in your feet for you but it can be done (if you are careful) solo if you are more advanced.  Another option if you are training solo is to strap an ankle weight on each leg and perform it with the ankle weights instead of a dumbbell.

Watch my video below to see how to perform this move.


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