

Apr 20

Why I bought this shirt & are YOU living the life you want?



When I first saw this shirt I almost didn’t buy it BC even though I love the skull on it the message is a tad bit douchey haha! I got to thinking though that the only people who would really be annoyed or pissed off at this shirt would be the people who are unhappy in their lives. So ultimately I bought this shirt (obviously lol!) & I decided to turn it into a little motivation & inspiration for anyone that needs it today :-).

My own life feels like a permanent vacation. The reason why is not because I had everything handed to me & have skated through life despite what it may appear to those who don’t know me.  If you have ever heard the saying “Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life” then that is the reason why I love my life so much!  I decided a long time ago to follow my passion and start doing things I love no matter what other people think.  I changed my mindset.  I stopped acting like I was the victim and that I had no control over anything.  I stopped putting up with people treating me like crap, hating my job, & belittling my own appearance.  I started figuring out what truly made me happy, found positive & motivated people to draw my own inspiration from, & started to build myself up by becoming more educated, stronger physically, & I also stopped talking down to myself (which serves absolutely no purpose ever btw!).

What happened is that I started to accomplish everything I wanted to (not overnight) slowly & steadily.  I had failures too but I kept moving forward and following my bliss.  I didn’t let things get me down for too long and the more you do it the easier it becomes to brush things off and keep moving on up.  I am still everyday progressing on my own path.  I have so many things I still want to do and I WILL accomplish them 😉 & you deserve to too!!!

So if this shirt pisses you off then maybe you need a change.  If you are in a bad relationship, hate your body, hate your job, hate where you live, etc then you need to figure out who is really in control of your destiny.  Stop hating your life & stop playing the victim!!  Go back to school or learn a skill, start working out, feeding yourself nourishing foods versus crap, stand up to people who are belittling you, holding you back, beating you up-start loving yourself please!!  One day at a time, one change at a time you can start making your life feel like something you don’t need to escape from.  Live a life you don’t need a vacation from.  You truly are the only one that can create a new one for yourself. There are are plenty of motivating people, books, or movies that you can drawn strength and guidance from to help you change your life.  If you need medical help then seek it.  Life is way too short to live it being unhappy!!  Start paving your own path to a permanent vacation type life. I wish you all much love & luck on your own journey friends :-). I hope this gives some of you the boost you need today!! xoxox


  1. Azure

    This is perfect! Just what I needed today!

    1. Sarahlinbrockner

      Awesome!! Thanks for reading 🙂

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