

Jan 15

Side Plank

Side Planks

Side Plank

The plank is one the best total core moves out there in my opinion.  There are many variations of the plank exercise and this particular variation, the side plank, is one of my favorite oblique moves.  The oblique muscles run diagonally along the sides of your abdomen.  Although you cannot spot train tightening up this area can help create a smaller waist.  This move helps strengthen not only your oblique muscles but your entire core including your back and hips which is important for injury prevention.  It is important to maintain proper form and hold this move without allowing your hips to sag towards the ground.  Your body should be very tight and rigid while performing this exercise.  First stack or stagger your feet while lying on your side.  Position your elbow directly under shoulder and then push up onto your elbow so that your shoulder and elbow are in a straight line with each other.  You can either place your hand on your side or raise it overhead maintaining the same straight line.  If you want to add some extra resistance (as I sometimes like to) then you can add a light dumbbell and hold it as I am demonstrating.  Hold this pose for as long as possible and then repeat on the opposite side.  I like to do 2-4 sets on either side.  This exercise is great because you can do it anywhere as it does not require any equipment.


  1. Amy Dunning

    Looks so simple but is a very intense part to my workout! Loved it!! That’s for sharing!!

    1. Sarahlinbrockner

      Awesome!! Glad you liked it 🙂

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