

Feb 05

My drinking strategies


I get asked quite often if I drink alcohol & what I drink. I like to take a realistic approach to being healthy with regards to alcohol consumption. Although some people may not agree with me that you can be healthy & drink I prefer to live my life as a balance between working hard, & still allowing some indulgences & fun. Plus alcohol consumed in moderate amounts can be beneficial for the body. Check out this article here regarding that. http://www.medicaldaily.com/7-health-benefits-drinking-alcohol-247552

Obviously if you are unable to drink alcohol in moderation then it is better to avoid it altogether but if you want to be able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage while still staying healthy then it is possible. I do drink a few times a week most weeks however I generally try not to binge drink. Working as a promotional model for mostly liquor companies I am around alcohol almost everyday so I want to share some of my advice and tips I use to still maintain my physique & feel great. Some of these you may already know but some you may not.

*Workout before you plan on drinking. Getting in a really good leg workout or back workout can help you use some of the alcohol calories you are going to be consuming to replenish your body. You will also have some calories to spare after an intense workout so this serves as a little damage control.

*Try to stick to clear alcohol, brut or natural champagne, drier white wine that are no more than 12%, drier red wines that are no more than 13.5% & light beers. These are the lowest calorie & lowest sugar options in all of the major alcohol categories. Also be sure to choose calorie free mixers like water, seltzer, or diet soda.

*Make sure you are very well hydrated before, during, & after you drink by consuming a lot of water. It also helps slow down your drinking if you drink water with your alcohol.

*Fuel your body with lots of lean protein the day you are planning on having a couple of drinks & cut back on your carbs a little to account for the alcohol carbohydrates. Also eat lots of lean proteins the following day along with plenty of green veggies & water to help your body detox & to get back on track. If you stick to the other strategies you most likely won’t be hungover so eating this way shouldn’t be a problem.

*Stick to 2-3 drinks max. Once you go beyond that point your willpower really suffers and you are bound to make some really bad food choices or additional drink choices. By sticking to that number you are also staying closer to that “moderate” range for alcohol consumption.

*Be prepared with snacks to eat because generally drinking makes you hungrier. I like to snack on turkey pepperoni, turkey, or beef jerky as these are all low calorie high protein sources.

Hopefully some of these tips can help you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle but still feel like you don’t have to give up everything you enjoy. Sometimes it can be very difficult to stick to the drink limit so if you end up consuming too much just get right back to your regular healthy eating the next day and also try to squeeze in a workout if you can. It is about balance & trying to make better choices not about being perfect.

In case your wondering I typically drink coconut rum with seltzer & lots of lime, brut champagne, or Pinot Grigio when I do drink. I also like the Skinnygirl & Voli brand products as they are focused on being lower calorie and lower carb choices of alcohol. I have noticed no ill effects on my physique by using my above strategies. Keep in mind however that everyone’s body is different and the outcome may not be the same for you. This is just my personal experience and strategies that you may find useful.

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