

Apr 30

Build that Booty!!! Another fave exercise to add some variety ;)



The leg press machine is a great machine to help build your legs up. It’s actually a lot more versatile than some people may realize. One way to switch it up that I like to incorporate is to use it while laying on your side instead of on your back. This is an advanced move & it does require quite a bit more strength than it may seem to move the leg press from this angle so please start with no weights the first time you try this. You want to lie sideways and position your top leg & foot on the plate as I’m demonstrating in the first picture. Your foot should be straight forward or with your toes pointed slightly out. Carefully let go of the safety and bring your knee towards your chest until it is at a 90 degree angle like I’m doing in the second picture. Then push through your heel to press the plate back out & straighten your leg (without locking out your knee) to finish one repetition & return to the starting position. Go slowly and focus on pressing through your heel. You should really feel that burn in your glutes. Repeat with other leg. Try starting with 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Using the leg press this way hits your glutes & quads from a different angle & I especially feel the burn on the outer part of both my booty & thigh whenever I perform the leg press this way. Utilizing the leg press this way can help you tighten, shape, & create some roundness in that area ;).

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